Killaura, KillauraLegit, MultiAura, ClickAura, TP-Aura and TriggerBot will now work with the new attack cooldown.
KillauraLegit will now work better with Criticals.
KillauraLegit will now face entities more quickly.
Trajectories will now work with fishing rods and lingering potions.
Trajectories will now draw a smoother line when using potions, etc.
Added tutorials for AutoLeave and AutoSign.
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.wms echo
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Fixed AutoSoup (kind of).
Fixed AutoSplashPot.
Fixed KillerPotion.
Fixed TP-Aura.
Fixed Trajectories wobbling around when walking.
Fixed TrollPotion.
Fixed the Alt Manager not rendering the alts’ faces correctly.
Fixed the Alt Manager not letting you select alts from the list.
Fixed Skin Viewer.
Fixed the Keybind Manager not letting you select keybinds from the list.
Fixed the X-Ray Block Manager not letting you select blocks from the list.