Wurst 7.46.2 - Bugfixes
released October 30, 2024; updated November 29, 2024

This version of the Wurst Hacked Client is available for Minecraft 1.21.3, as well as snapshots 1.21.4-rc3, 1.21.4-rc2, 1.21.4-rc1, 1.21.4-pre3, 1.21.4-pre2, 1.21.4-pre1, 24w46a, 24w45a and 24w44a.


  • By default, MobSpawnESP will no longer filter out dark spots that are too small for any mobs to spawn, as this filter was found to crash the game sometimes. (/d/841)

  • Added a “Hitbox check” setting to MobSpawnESP, allowing you to re-enable the filter for dark spots that are too small. The “Unstable” option matches MobSpawnESP’s old behavior, while “Slow” is a new version of the filter that shouldn’t cause any crashes but significantly slows down the game compared to “Unstable”.

  • Fixed a some weird colors appearing in the sky when Navigator’s main screen is open.

  • Added automated end-to-end testing similar to the client_test that Fabric API does. Every time the code changes, GitHub Actions will actually run Wurst, do some basic things with it, take screenshots along the way, and report back if anything goes wrong. If for whatever reason you want to run this test yourself, you can do so by adding the JVM argument -Dwurst.e2eTest.

See also: Wurst 7.46 changelog, Wurst 7.46.1 changelog

Known Snapshot Issues

  • In 24w45a - 24w46a, X-Ray doesn’t work because Fabric’s Indigo renderer has been temporarily disabled. In 1.21.4-pre1 and later versions, Indigo is still disabled but X-Ray has been adjusted to work without it.

  • In 1.21.4-rc1 - 1.21.4-rc3, X-Ray will not work if you use Fabric API 0.110.5. This Fabric API version brings back the Indigo renderer, which is now incompatible with X-Ray because of the above adjustment. Please make sure to use the recommended Fabric API 0.110.2 instead of downloading the latest version.

Included Features

Default Keybinds (14)

These are the default keybinds when you first install Wurst. All of them are fully customizable!

  • B → FastPlace & FastBreak
  • C → Fullbright
  • G → Flight
  • ; → SpeedNuker
  • H → /home
  • J → Jesus
  • K → MultiAura
  • N → Nuker
  • R → Killaura
  • Right CTRL → ClickGUI
  • Right SHIFT → Navigator
  • U → Freecam
  • X → X-Ray
  • Y → Sneak
GUIs (3)

Wurst has more than just one GUI. You can choose whichever one you like best.


ClickGUI opens with the Right CTRL key. When opened, it displays a window for each category, which then contains a list of every feature in that category.

screenshot of ClickGUI visualization of Wurst's ClickGUI keybind (Right CTRL key)


Navigator opens with the Right Shift key. When opened, it displays a searchable list of every feature in Wurst.

screenshot of Navigator visualization of Wurst's Navigator keybind (Right Shift key)


TabGUI does not have a default keybind. You can enable it by opening the Navigator GUI and searching for "TabGUI" (don't worry, you only need to do this once).

Once enabled, you can use TabGUI with the Arrow Keys to change the selection and Enter to toggle the selected feature.

screenshot of TabGUI visualization of Wurst's TabGUI controls (Arrow Keys + Enter)

Supported Languages (14)

Translations are unfinished and thus disabled by default. Go to Wurst OptionsTranslations to enable them.

  • Chinese (Simplified/Mainland)
  • Chinese (Traditional/Taiwan)
  • Chinese (Cantonese/Hong Kong)
  • Czech
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian


for Minecraft 1.21.3 + Fabric

IMPORTANT: You are currently viewing Wurst 7.46.2, which is an older version for Minecraft 1.21.3. For optimal performance and the latest features, we recommend downloading Wurst 7.46.6 MC1.21.3 instead.

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC1.21.3 File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC1.21.3.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.107.0+1.21.3

Additional files:

for Minecraft Snapshots

1.21.4-rc3 (click to expand)

IMPORTANT: You are currently viewing Wurst 7.46.2, which is an older version for Minecraft 1.21.4-rc3. For optimal performance and the latest features, we recommend downloading Wurst 7.46.4 MC1.21.4-rc3 instead.

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC1.21.4-rc3 File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC1.21.4-rc3.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.110.2+1.21.4

Additional files:

1.21.4-rc2 (click to expand)

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC1.21.4-rc2 File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC1.21.4-rc2.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.110.2+1.21.4

Additional files:

1.21.4-rc1 (click to expand)

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC1.21.4-rc1 File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC1.21.4-rc1.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.110.2+1.21.4

Additional files:

1.21.4-pre3 (click to expand)

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC1.21.4-pre3 File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC1.21.4-pre3.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.110.0+1.21.4

Additional files:

1.21.4-pre2 (click to expand)

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC1.21.4-pre2 File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC1.21.4-pre2.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.110.0+1.21.4

Additional files:

1.21.4-pre1 (click to expand)

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC1.21.4-pre1 File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC1.21.4-pre1.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.109.1+1.21.4

Additional files:

24w46a (click to expand)

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC24w46a File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC24w46a.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.108.1+1.21.4

Additional files:

24w45a (click to expand)

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC24w45a File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC24w45a.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.107.2+1.21.4

Additional files:

24w44a (click to expand)

Wurst Client v7.46.2 MC24w44a File: Wurst-Client-v7.46.2-MC24w44a.jar Fabric icon Fabric API v0.107.0+1.21.4

Additional files:


Wurst 7 can be installed just like any other Fabric mod. Here are the basic installation steps:

  1. Run the Fabric installer.
  2. Add the Wurst Client and Fabric API to your mods folder.

Please refer to the full Wurst 7 installation guide if you need more detailed instructions or run into any problems.

Also, this should be obvious, but you do need to have a licensed copy of Minecraft Java Edition in order to use Wurst. Wurst is a cheat client, not a pirate client.